British Mysidacea; W.M. & O.S. Tattersall
ISBN: 978-1-904690-09-2
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Prof. W.M. Tattersall's monograph on the British Mysidacea was completed after his death in 1943 by his wife, Olive S. Tattersall, who writes in the Preface:
"He wished to give a comprehensive survey of all the British species and to re-describe and figure each species from actual specimens where these were available. I was closely associated with him in this work and, under his supervision, I made the figures for some 20 species whilst he made notes for their descriptions.
Following the pattern that he had laid down ... I have attempted to finish his work as he would have wished. As I hope that this monograph will be of use to students in the identification of species, I have drawn up an artificial key to the determination of the genera and, when describing these genera, have given subsidiary keys for the identification of the species they contain".
Pisces Conservation are delighted to release "British Mysidacea" as a download, for Windows PCs and Macs, with fully searchable text and hyperlinks for ease of navigation.
Format: PDF E-book by digital download. Download size 21.8 MB.
NOTE: This version contains all the plates, illustrations, etc. from the original text. This volume is also available on CD-ROM.