North Sea Fish and Their Remains

  • North Sea Fish and Their Remains

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Product Information

North Sea Fish and Their Remains: Kees Camphuysen (NIOZ) and Peter Henderson (Pisces Conservation).
ISBN: 978-1-904690-65-8
Visit main web page.

Published in 2017 by NIOZ/Pisces Conservation, this book expands on Peter Henderson’s 2015 work, Identification Guide to the Inshore Fish of the British Isles, adding a huge amount of information on the remains of fish, such as otoliths and vertebrae.

Focussing on the fish of the North Sea, rather than the British Isles, makes this book relevant to all countries bordering the North Sea. It provides the definitive fish identification source for almost 150 fish species, with colour images and B/W illustrations of each species, and detailed information on ID, distribution, food, life history, ecology and more.

It is regarded as the most accessible work on fish remains, and is therefore invaluable to bioarchaeologists, ornithologists, and anyone else for whom fish remains provide insights into their study. It also serves as a more generalised fish identification guide for marine biologists, professional and amateur ecologists, students, and fishermen.

Format: Hardback book.

Also available as a PDF e-book.


Product CodeIDER00N79
ManufacturerPisces Conservation Ltd.

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